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Apr 10, 2017

What Is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Whenever you decide to have a website created for your business, you are faced with a number of technical decisions that need to be made beforehand: where to store your website, how is it going to look, where to get a particular domain and, more importantly, who is going to build it. How could you tell if this was all new to you? How is web design different from web development?

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Aug 19, 2016

What Is The Big Deal About Mobility First?

Back in the day, the idea was that websites should be designed for desktop computers and then adapted for mobile devices.  These were called mobile-friendly websites and still are quite popular, but should this still be the case when most devices connected to the Internet are in fact mobile? Mobility First defies that idea. Here we have some more information about it.

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